Workbooks for the 3-4 Semester Diction Study

The Lyric Diction Workbook Series
S.T.M. Publishers presents a series of workbooks for English, Italian, German, French, Latin, Spanish, and Russian lyric diction courses. The workbooks provide exercises that give students practice in applying standard textbook rules as defined by Madeline Marshall, Evelina Colorni, Corradina Caporello, William Odom, John Moriarty, Pierre Bernac, Thomas Grubb, and Patricia Caicedo. The worksheets use words collected from more than 8,000 art songs and highlight frequently occurring words. The most frequently occurring words are short in length and appear in the enunciation exercises. Other words are introduced in graded order and categorized according to sounds as defined by the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). A study of articulatory phonetics is included. Consecutive units highlight specified symbols through transcribed art songs, enunciation instructions with exercises, transcription rules, group assignments, individually assigned word lists, and transcription quizzes. Units progress in cumulative order culminating with exercises that give students the opportunity to transcribe phrases from art song repertoire.
Designed for Singers
* Utilizes a basic vocabulary from art song repertoire
* Provides daily opportunities for in-class enunciation
* Provides transcription work for the entire class
* Provides listening assignments with a frequent occurrence of each IPA symbol
Excellent for Instructors
* Encourages student accountability for memorized rules
* Simplifies the grading process (grading based on in-class enunciation)
* Contains a summary of rules with prep quizzes for easy reference and review
* There are two products per language: Student manual and Instructor's manual (the instructor's manual contains the student manual with answer key)
Workbooks for the 1-2 Semester Diction Study

Phonetic Readings for Lyric Diction
Phonetic Readings for Lyric Diction is an enunciation-based text designed to prepare the student for English, Italian, German, French, and Latin repertoire assignments. It functions easily as an all-in-one workbook for programs that offer diction in a single semester, or as an introductory text for the two semester diction study. The IPA Handbook for Singers is a companion text. Together, these publications provide a study of enunciation that is uniquely merged with English transcription rules and worksheets.
IPA Handbook for Singers
The IPA Handbook is a dictionary of phonetic symbols. The International Phonetic Alphabet provides a general guide for pronunciation but exact sounds vary from language to language. This text defines the sounds as they apply to the specific language. Dictionary transcription represents the spoken form of a language. Adjustments to the IPA are necessary for lyric diction. The enunciation instructions in this text are designed for sung application. The newly added QR codes with each IPA symbol give students instant access to recordings of native speakers enunciating sample words. The adjustments needed for singing are further defined in the freshly edited enunciation instructions.
Phonetic Transcription for Lyric Diction
Phonetic Transcription for Lyric Diction offers an efficient approach to Italian, German, French, and Latin transcription. It is second in the two-part series (Phonetic Readings is the introductory text). Together, these workbooks address enunciation and transcription respectively. Enunciation is established in part one so that students are adequately prepared for the rigorous approach to transcription provided in part two. An expanded version of this workbook contains 10 additional units to cover English transcription.
Phonetic Transcription for Lyric Diction and the IPA Handbook for Singers may be used together to provide a fast-paced transcription course or graduate level review. Syllabus schedules are provided on this website. See the supplemental resources on the instructor's page.
Workbooks for Private and Class Voice

A Sketchbook Atlas of the Vocal Tract
A Sketchbook Atlas of the Vocal Tract is designed to help students gain articulatory awareness. Singers discover accurate pronunciation by learning how breath and tone flow through the unique vowel and consonant formations of the English, Italian, German, and French languages. Sketch pages engage students in the learning process.
The first unit contains an in-depth study of articulatory phonetics. Units covering muscles of the tongue, lips, and palate are introduced early. This facilitates understanding of the many vowel and consonant formations. The middle units are organized according to articulatory points of contact. The progression begins with bilabial consonants and front vowel formations and ends with glottal consonants and back vowel formations. Vowels and consonants unique to English, Italian German, and French are covered in the final units. Sketch pages, multiple views of the vocal tract, and audio links are provided throughout the text. Access to full color images and instructions for building models of the tongue and palate are included in the presentations slides.
Singer's Diction
Singer's Diction is an intensive study of English lyric diction and IPA recognition. It is designed for the small class size (2-6 students). There are 12 transcription exercises in each unit. Answer keys for the first six exercises in every unit are included in the student manual. An answer key for the additional six exercises is provided in the instructor's manual.
Unique features:
This is an introductory English lyric diction text with detailed instructions for the pronunciation of schwa. QR codes give students instant access to sound examples. A dictionary of IPA symbols with enunciation instructions is included in the glossary.
The Singer's Daily Practice Journal, Volume I
Textbook, workbook, journal, and assessment/assignment planner are combined in one resource for private or class voice. Each section of the 15-week journal contains manuscript paper for recording weekly lesson notes and assignments. A check-list of vocal concepts is included. This gives the teacher the ability to direct students to the precise concept (with lesson and page number) that requires attention for the week. Space is provided for the student to record progress and log daily practice times.
Vocal concepts in this text are discussed using the IPA. The symbols selected represent an elegant manner of pronunciation as recommended by Madeleine Marshall, author of The Singer’s Manual of English Diction. Space is provided beneath the IPA for students to supply the English translation. This approach gives students the opportunity to hear proper English and complete a daily written assignment. The second edition instructor's manual/independent study contains the answer key. The second edition student manual does not contain an answer key. Both versions include updated and expanded terms.
The Singer's Daily Practice Journal, Volume II
All volumes of The Singer's Daily Practice Journal combine textbook, workbook, journal, and assessment/assignment planner in one resource. Volume II pairs vocal training with musicianship, diction, and phrasing. The concepts needed to develop these skills are introduced using excerpts from Italian, German, and French art song repertoire. Topics in diction and music reading are presented simultaneously and in a graded order. A grading rubric of vocal concepts, and glossary of terms are included.
An abbreviated version of the voice pedagogy within all volumes is published in The Journal of Singing: The Voice and Diction Connection, A Diction Instructor’s Approach to Voice Pedagogy. See featured article on the "articles" page.
The Singer's Daily Practice Journal, Volume III
Volume III of The Singer's Daily Practice Journal is Singer’s Diction (see description above) with weekly assignment, assessment, and journaling pages. Many teachers work with elective students, voice minors, and students in small programs without diction courses. These teachers find it necessary to supplement their students' education with diction study.
Free Resources on this Website:
* Sample pages from each workbook ("instructors" page)
* The Lyric Diction Listening Lab ("listening" page)
* Sample gradebook and syllabus schedules ("instructors" page)
* Resources for moving your classes and lessons online ("teaching online" page)
* Resources for singers who read braille ("braille resources" page)
* IPA charts ("charts" page)
* Voice and diction articles, poster presentation, and NATS Chat ("articles" page)